
Stew Vassau Jr thumbnail Jack Vassau & Bishop Ken Tracy thumbnail Jack Vassau & Bishop Ken Tracy & others thumbnail
group shot thumbnail Elders Jamison & Reid Riley Borselli & Brad Cameron thumbnail
finished growboxes side thumbnail finished grow boxes end view thumbnail grow boxes already planted

We appreciate Bob Pochman taking photos for us. The top two rows of photos are by Bob Pochman, the bottom row is by Jack Woolley. Note: of course, my copyright notice below does not apply to Bob Pochman’s photos.

Our photographer had other commitments later in the day, and I did not have time to work and take photos at the same time, during the later afternoon.

The approach to building the 6 grow boxes was as follows:

  • one team prepared the site by
    • removing the top several inches of soil
    • applying 3 inches of 5/8- gravel
    • leveling and packing the gravel down
  • several teams built the grow boxes simultaneously by:
    • building the components—the sides and ends of the boxes
    • lining the inside sides and ends with visqueen to reduce leaching of chemicals from the treated wood into the soil
    • screwing the components together with the posts
    • carrying the nearly completed grow boxes over and placing them on top of the gravel, leveling them in place
    • filling each box with fresh topsoil
    • adding the bench seats on top of each side of each grow box


     © John D. Woolley 2010. All rights reserved.