Ellsworth House Boy Scout Project to Build Grow Boxes Done on 2010 March 27, 11:00 AM to 5:45 PM

This website describes a scout project to build grow boxes for Ellsworth House, a low-income housing facility located on Mercer Island at 2720 76th Avenue SE. This facility has 59 single-bedroom units for seniors, many of whom are Asian and love to garden. Ellsworth House is run by St. Andrew’s Housing Group, a nonprofit organization that runs ten properties in the Puget Sound area.

Ellsworth House on Mercer Island

We have very much enjoyed working with Sarah Coffey on this project. Sarah is the Resident Services Coordinator for St. Andrew’s Housing Group. See her blog entry for the grow box project at: http://imaginehousing.wordpress.com.

Robert Haynie, Chair of a regional committee for the Chief Seattle Council of the Boy Scouts of America, visited Ellsworth House and suggested that a worthy project would be to build grow boxes to accommodate the needs of the residents. This is part of the vision of his committee to implement 100 projects for the 100th Anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America.

Troop 686 of the Boy Scouts was asked to undertake this project. Troop 686 is the scout troop for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) located here on Mercer Island. The labor was furnished by our scout troop, assisted by other youth and adults who generously donated time to build the grow boxes. The work was all completed last Saturday, 27 March 2010. The next day, residents of Ellsworth House responded by immediately planting in their new grow boxes.

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